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Deirdre works with private equity, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and family offices to help them understand how politics and regulation will impact their current and future investments.

Deirdre is an Associate with the Global Investor Services practice. Deirdre previously worked as an investor relations consultant advising public and private clients on investor engagement and communication of their equity story to the wider market. She holds an MSc in International Public Policy from UCL and a BA from Edinburgh University. 

She works to coordinate Global Counsel’s international investor relations outreach. She works with a range of investors including private equity, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and family offices to help them understand how politics and regulation will impact their current and future investments. 

Recent examples of her work include:

  • Providing thought leadership on socioeconomic issues to a multi-billion-dollar family office.
  • Advising on market threats and opportunities to family office investments.
  • Supporting an institutional investor to assess how the threat of EU tax regulation may impact their future investments.