Wednesday 21 April 2021 |
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Doing things differently: the UK's ambitions in the life sciences sector

The UK government has bold ambitions for the life sciences sector. These build on the UK’s established position in R&D, its response to the pandemic, and the opportunities available to the UK since leaving the EU’s regulatory orbit. The UK has already been exploring regulatory innovation and is likely to go further, on issues such as health data, gene editing and personalised genomics, advanced manufacturing and new commercial models to accelerate access to new therapies. 

Adviser Dr Harpreet Sood, Health Practice Lead Tom Smith and Senior Associate Giulia Corsi explored those opportunities, including: 

  • How the life science sector fits within the government’s wider post covid economic plans?
  • What policy, spending regulatory changes could help drive innovation in the UK? 
  • What are the potential challenges and consequences of diverging from the EU? 
  • Which markets and assets will be particularly appealing to investors as a result?

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.