Tuesday 5 April 2022 |
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Flash call: analysing the Hungary elections

Voters decided on Sunday to grant Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán a fourth consecutive term (fifth in total) who won over 50% of the votes and will lead a two-third majority in the parliament. The six-party opposition alliance whose victory looked possible in October ended up losing around 1 million votes compared to the last election in 2018 and only gathered around 30% of the votes. Orbán’s success came after a pre-election spending spree by the government.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has impacted Hungary severely with security implications, worsening economic outlook and the influx of refugees. The war in Ukraine has become one of the most important campaign issues and its repercussions will set the to-do-list of the prospective government.

We analysed the results of the election, looking at the prospects of government reshuffle and the immediate tasks of a new cabinet including stabilising the macroeconomic situation, improving energy security and resetting Hungary’s position in geopolitical alliances.

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