Tuesday 1 February 2022 |
Event type

The politics and policy of France’s EU presidency

We discussed how the French priorities of “relance, puissance, appartenance” will shape the EU digital and industrial agenda.

The participants also explored the following questions:

  • The first priority - “relance” (recovery) - looks to reform the economic model of Europe and review the balance between industrial and competition policy. Will this priority revitalise the “European champion” agenda?
  • The second priority - “puissance” (power) - aims to strengthen the EU as an economic and digital power. Does this priority mean continuity with the Commission’s tech sovereignty agenda or something new?
  • The third priority - “appartenance” (belonging) - is designed to develop EU citizens’ sense of belonging to Europe. Will this priority be limited to symbols or lead to concrete policy proposals? Does this priority mean an increased focus on culture and values in EU digital policy?


  • Pierre Chastanet, Head of Unit Cloud and Software, European Commission
  • Claire Dilé, Digital Policy coordinator, Renaissance delegation, European Parliament
  • Georgina Wright, Senior Fellow and Director of Europe Program, Institut Montaigne
  • Franck Thomas, Senior Associate, Global Counsel

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.