Thursday 3 June 2021 |
Event type

Reshaping the EU post-covid: Romania on the road of recovery

The 'Reshaping the EU post-covid' series brings together policymakers, experts and decision-makers from across Europe to discuss how Brussels and EU member states are grappling with diverging pressures and expected responses to covid-19, and what these developments will mean for businesses and investors in the medium to long term.

CEE countries have been demonstrating in the past decade their strong growth, supportive business climate and willingness to adapt quickly to new industries. Following a general election in December 2020, and drawing on funds from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience facility, the Romanian government will now formulate its approach to recovery, introducing reforms and investments in key sectors such as green energy, health and telecommunications.

For this event we were joined by Anca Dragu, President of the Romanian Senate, and Peter Mandelson, Chairman at Global Counsel.

They discussed:

  • How a new generation of national politicians are spearheading the efforts to create efficient and transparent governance;
  • Challenges to the post-covid economic recovery in Romania and the wider region;
  • Ways to reinvigorate business environment and attract global investment.

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