Tech, media and telecoms

Decoupling of data flows: perspectives from the US and EU


The modern internet runs on the free flow of data across the Atlantic ocean. But as policymakers push toward different systems for the regulation of data collection, what are the implications of a decoupling of data between the US and EU?

This week on the podcast, GC Director Tom White convenes a panel of experts and policymakers from Brussels to Washington to discuss the challenges posed by transatlantic data flows.


  • MEP Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, Vice-chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade
  • John Verdi, Senior Vice President of Policy at the Future of Privacy Forum
  • Guido Lobrano, Director General, Europe, I T I - The Information Technology Industry Council
  • Lucas Buthion, Policy Director, Scaleway

    The views expressed in this podcast can be attributed to the named author(s) only.