Health and life sciences

Global developments and the future of UK cancer screening

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For patients given a timely cancer diagnosis, survival rates have never been better and, with revolutions in genomics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) gathering pace, the tide could soon turn comprehensively in favour of patients. However, the key to ensuring patients can benefit from this innovation is providing a comprehensive and accessible national screening service, allowing for timely access to dedicated care and appropriate treatments.

Drawing on rapid developments in cancer screening policy across Australia, Sweden and the wider EU, this joint report between Global Counsel and Telstra Health UK examines what is needed to deliver a high-quality, reliable service for patients in England, alighting on key themes including:

  • Critical investment in future-proofed systems
  • The potential for rapid implementation and for digital systems to be a fourth factor of production
  • The need for system consolidation over isolation
  • The importance of strong clinical governance and oversight for implementation

The views expressed in this report can be attributed to the named author(s) only.