
Global Counsel advises Unigestion on the successful acquisition of Babington

Global Counsel (GC) is proud to have supported the independent specialist asset manager Unigestion in its acquisition of Babington, one of the UK’s largest and longest-established apprenticeship and learning providers. 

The investment will enable Babington to further grow and expand its services. This will be particularly important at a time when the UK is faced with skills shortages and a tight labour market, making tools to attract, develop and retain talent even more crucial.  

At GC, we leveraged and expanded our existing network to deliver insight into the political and regulatory risks and opportunities for independent training providers, including the future of the apprenticeship levy and wider skills agenda. 

GC continues to expand its education and skills offer. We advise clients on politics and regulation across the education and skills landscape, from childcare to higher education, ed tech to adult skills policy, and more. 

Commenting on the completion of the sale, GC’s UK mid-market private equity Practice Director Matt Bevington said:

“We were delighted to work with P-J, Andreas and the wider Unigestion team on this deal. As greater policymaker attention focuses on skills policy as a means to address workforce shortages and productivity challenges, leading providers such as Babington will play an important role in delivering high-quality training services. As a provider of buy- and sell-side support, as well as a range of services for portfolio companies, GC continues to be a partner of private equity firms from entry to exit and beyond.”

To discuss regulatory or political challenges in relation to education and skills, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Matt Bevington.