
Global Counsel’s new senior appointments

Global Counsel is pleased to announce today two new senior colleagues who are joining our company in an advisory capacity.

Our London-based team will be strengthened by the arrival of Paul Myners. Lord Myners has a strong track record in business and policymaking as an investor and corporate leader. He spent a number of years working in the British Government as City Minister. Paul will play an important role in advising our financial services clients, in particular, in understanding the impact of policy change on their businesses or investment plans. Paul will act as Vice Chairman of Global Counsel.

The growing Global Counsel team in Singapore will be supported with the arrival of John Koh as Senior Board Adviser. John has deep roots across ASEAN and has played an active role in public office and banking over many years. With Global Counsel now serving clients in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and across the region, John will strengthen our offer in Europe and Asia.

Given the Brexit referendum result, the Global Counsel team has been increasing its capacity to support clients impacted by the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. We are moving into new offices close to the Berlaymont and are in the process of recruiting new colleagues to be based full-time in Brussels.

With policy and regulatory risk of increased concern to investors, we are expanding our offer in the field of political due diligence. We are pleased to announce that Kirsty Allan and Tom Smith have joined Global Counsel and will play an important role, alongside Leo Ringer, in developing a wider set of due diligence products for private equity investors and corporates looking to understand policy risk in acquisitions or divestments.