Tech, media and telecoms

Top in Tech: Russia-Ukraine and the EU's Data Act


‘Top in tech’ is a monthly episode from the GC tech policy team. Each month, the team lift the lid on the latest in Europe’s ‘techlash’, identifying where the debate is heading in London and Brussels, the politics behind it, and what this might mean for the apps and online services we use every day.

Conan D’Arcy, Senior Practice Lead for TMT is joined by Senior Associates Miranda Lutz and Jack Keevill. They discuss the tech industry's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and new regulations for data privacy.

The conversation focuses on:

  1. Russia-Ukraine: tech's varied responses, an emerging digital firewall in Russia, the EU's push to bar Russia Today, and broader implications for the rest of the world
  2. The EU Data Act: what's different compared to GDPR, how it contrasts with the US's Cloud Act, and what the timeline may be for next steps

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