Friday 25 September 2020 |
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Spotlight on the US elections

With Labor Day marking the unofficial start of the fall campaign season, the presidential race has kicked into high gear. President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden are cris-crossing the country to address voters (with dramatically different covid-19 strategies), and both candidates are blanketing TV airwaves and social media with ads. To analyse the numbers behind the presidential campaign, as well as the critical race for the Senate, GC hosted a call for our network with Matt Bennett of centre-left think tank Third Way.

A veteran of four Democratic presidential campaigns, Matt provided insights into the race and the signs he will be looking for to measure the candidates’ momentum as the presidential and vice-presidential debates begin later this month. Since well before the start of this campaign, Third Way has conducted research, focus groups and polls focused on suburban voters in battleground states, a voting bloc that will be key to the elections’ outcome. Matt shared lessons from this research, and the latest on-the-ground data on the race. The call was hosted by Erin Caddell, President, Global Counsel USA.


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