Friday 11 December 2020 |
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Travel industry after covid-19: a perspective from China

As Asia’s largest travel company, Group has experienced first-hand covid-19’s crippling impact on the tourism industry in the first half of 2020.

Ms Sun shared insights into China’s economic recovery and recent travel trends as domestic tourism trends pick up, and covid-19’s impact on the future of global travel. 

We also discussed:

  • How have online travel agencies such as leveraged technology to navigate the ongoing pandemic? While domestic travel trends in China continue to pick up, how even is this recovery across cities, and are there other insights China observers should pay attention to?
  • In what ways has covid-19 changed the travel industry, and what can technology tell us about changing consumer preferences? 
  • For global travel to truly resume, multilateral coordination by governments will be necessary. What is on the wishlist for companies like Trip as governments continue to deliberate over economic and health trade-offs?

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.