Tuesday 1 December 2020 |
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How can physical and online retail live side-by-side?

As the national lockdown ends, and the UK government promises a substantial return to normality by Easter, the big question for retail is what “normal” even looks like anymore. The panel discussed:

  • Is the shift to online permanent for the millions who had never used the internet to shop before?
  • What does the future hold for the high street that doesn’t have any shops on it, or the people they used to employ?
  • What position, if any, should the government take on encouraging physical retail?
  • How can cities re-imagine their retail spaces to embrace the new post-covid world?

Our panel consisted of:

  • Emma Bridgewater, founder of her eponymous ceramics firm
  • Archie Norman, chairman of M&S
  • Laura Citron, CEO of London & Partners, the London Mayor’s trade promotion and investment agency

The discussion was chaired by Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, the co-founder and managing director of Global Counsel.

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The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.