Tuesday 13 April 2021 |
Event type

China's view of the world: In-conversation with Wang Xiangwei

As Beijing reckons with its position in the world, traditional global powers have responded with foreign policy strategies centred around collaboration, competition and in some cases containment of China’s rise. The European Union and China have reached an agreement in principle on investment, and senior representatives from the Biden administration have already engaged in direct, even if tense, talks with China. However, numerous challenges remain at both the bilateral and multilateral level. A textured understanding of China’s politics and global orientation has therefore never felt more important.

To understand China’s view of the world, and what geopolitical and commercial implications this will have for the West, GC convened an in-conversation with Wang Xiangwei, former editor in chief of the South China Morning Post, chaired by Lord Mandelson, Global Counsel Chairman.

Key questions the session explored:

  • What is China’s view of the Western world, and what areas of competition and collaboration should companies pay attention to?
  • What signals should observers be taking from the recently released 14th Five-Year Plan? Will China be more inward or outward looking over this period?
  • What has the West misunderstood about China, and how can China better explain its goals and global orientation?
  • What is the future of Hong Kong’s relationship with the mainland, and what does this mean for the city’s future as an international business centre?

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.