Wednesday 31 March 2021 |
Event type

Assessing the first 100 days of Joe Biden’s presidency

GC expert panel with Erin Caddell, President GC USA, Chris Rinkus, US Political Due Diligence Practice Lead and Miranda Lutz, Senior Associate, on what President Biden and his team had accomplished.

Highlights from the discussion:

  • Biden has lived up to Democratic expectations during his first few months so far, as he has been able to pass his hallmark $1.9trn American Rescue Plan (ARP). The plan included a number of provisions that satisfied both the moderate and progressive wings of his party, and received favourable marks from the public as well.
  • Democrats are wasting no time turning to their next legislative priorities, as Biden is preparing to unveil a comprehensive infrastructure package that will come with a price tag of roughly $3trn. The package, which will be split into a traditional infrastructure section and a social welfare section, is unlikely to garner Republican support. This suggests that Democrats will pass this package using budget reconciliation, just as they did to pass the ARP, later this year.
  • The next few months will be critical for Democrats as calls to eliminate the filibuster grow. Although Democratic senators like Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have been vocal in their opposition to eliminating the filibuster, progressive Democrats may call their bluff if legislation focused on expanding voting rights and access or racial equality – both of which are unlikely to win enough Republican support to pass the Senate, is brought to the floor.

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.