Wednesday 7 April 2021 |
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Doing things differently: What's next for UK digital regulation?

GC expert panel with Tom White, Director, Conan D'Arcy, Technology, Media and Telecoms Practice Lead and Ana Martínez, EU Policy Practice Lead exploring potential changes to the UK’s digital regulatory landscape, and what these could mean for businesses.

Questions discussed included: 

  • What are the immediate consequences of the TCA for the UK’s digital economy and the companies and investors operating in it?
  • What might the UK do with its new regulatory autonomy in areas such as data protection, AI regulation and digital competition?
  • How should businesses think about the UK digital strategy and what it might contain? 
  • What are the benefits of greater divergence with the EU on digital regulation - and how should policymakers balance these against the risks? 

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The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.