Wednesday 26 May 2021 |
Event type

Reshaping the EU post-covid: Greece’s perspective on foreign policy as the key to recovery

The 'Reshaping the EU post-covid' series brings together policymakers, experts and decision-makers from across Europe to discuss how Brussels and EU member states are grappling with diverging pressures and expected responses to covid-19, and what these developments will mean for businesses and investors in the medium to long term.

For this event, we were joined by Nikos Dendias, Greece’s Foreign Affairs Minister, and Peter Mandelson, Chairman at GC.

They discussed:

  • Greece’s relationship with the US;
  • The UK and Eastern Mediterranean, as well as migration policy;
  • Greece’s recovery plan.

The call was held under the Chatham House rule.

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.