Wednesday 8 December 2021 |
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Health Data – a national approach to research and innovation

Digital panel discussion with Matthew Swindells, Senior Advisor, Global Counsel; Dr Alison Cave, Chief Safety Officer, MHRA; Professor Martin Severs, Caldicott Guardian and former medical director, NHS Digital; Dr Justin Whatling, Managing Director Global Health & Life Sciences, Palantir; Dr Charles Alessi, Chief Clinical Officer, HIMSS; and Dr Claire Bloomfield, Deputy Director for Value of Data, Centre for Improving Data Collaboration, NHSX, discussing how technology can help resolve the challenge of reaching national scale in health data research to realise the UK’s Life Sciences vision whilst maintaining the trust of the public and care providers.

During this discussion, we considered the opportunities for an effective national framework for research and innovation:

  • The opportunity for real-world data to transform research and innovation;
  • The opportunity to leverage data to speed appraisals and approvals of innovations, whilst ensuring safe monitoring;
  • Ensuring all care providers are included in research and can control their data;
  • Providing public transparency and the ability for citizens to express preferences on the use of their data;Enabling technological innovations around security and assurance.

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The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.