Thursday 10 March 2022 |
Event type

State of the Border

In December 2021 Global Counsel and clearBorder surveyed 150 UK importers and exporters on their experience of using the UK border. We set their responses against an analysis of UK border-crossing data and an assessment of key UK border policy developments in 2021. The resulting 2022 State of the Border report is the most comprehensive business-eye view of the operation and policy framework of the UK border through a year of covid and Brexit-related change. 

Read the report: State of the Border Report 2021

GC’s Senior Director Stephen Adams and clearBorder’s Founder Christopher Salmon presented the report’s findings. They specifically focused on:  

  • Internal capability-building strategies in firms 
  • Reported experience at the border, including incidence, length and causes of delays 
  • Changes in inventory strategy driven by covid 19, inflation and border disruption  

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