Wednesday 16 March 2022 |
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China "Two Sessions"

This year’s “Two Sessions” have been somewhat overshadowed by the war in Ukraine. But events in Europe are also supporting President Xi Jinping’s argument that "the world is undergoing changes not seen in a century.” To protect against external risks, addressing domestic challenges is therefore perhaps more important than ever for the Chinese leadership. This has been reflected in discussions this week about energy and food security, as well as plans to protect the Chinese economy against foreign interference.

Miranda Lutz, Thomas Gratowski and Jens Presthus discussed key themes in the State Council’s government work report and policy priorities for the year ahead, including:

  • Drivers for economic growth and the 2022 GDP growth target;
  • Challenges in addressing the “real estate problem” and delivering common prosperity;
  • Energy, technology and food security in a geopolitically tense world;
  • Protecting China’s economy against third country sanctions;
  • Chinese strategic priorities and their impact on the US policy debate.

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