Wednesday 11 May 2022 |
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Decoupling of data flows: the EU and US perspectives

Digital panel discussion with, MEP Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, Vice-chair of European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade; John Verdi, Senior Vice President of Policy at the Future of Privacy Forum; Guido Lobrano, Director General, Europe, I T I - The Information Technology Industry Council; and Lucas Buthion, Policy Director, Scaleway, discussing how to address challenges posed by transatlantic data flows. 

Highlights from the discussion:

  • Legal and geopolitical challenges posed by transatlantic data flows: What lessons can be learnt from the Ukraine war on data governance standards? Are concerns over the legal robustness of a potential new EU-US data transfer mechanism justified? If yes, is there a risk of balkanisation of data governance across the world?
  • Alternative solutions to free flow of data across the Atlantic: Is data sovereignty a credible alternative to an EU-US data transfer agreement? If yes, how to reduce Europe’s dependency on transatlantic data flows?
  • Impact of decoupling of data flows between the EU and the US: What are the business and economic implications of decoupling of data flows?

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