Wednesday 30 November 2022 |
Event type
In Person

The role of prevention and early-stage intervention in the EU’s fight against domestic violence

On International Women's Day 2022, the European Commission proposed a directive to end gender-based violence. The directive is a landmark moment for many in Brussels. To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in November - Global Counsel, in partnership with Frontline - hosted a roundtable convening policymakers, advocacy groups and civil society to discuss the directive and the role of early stage intervention in the EU's fight against domestic violence. 

The event opened with a panel discussion before taking questions from attendees around the table. The panel discussed the barriers victims of gender-based violence/domestic violence face when seeking support; lessons the EU can learn from international best practice on early stage and preventative measures; how national policymakers and civil society should engage with EU policymakers; and what more can be done to encourage collaboration and the sharing of ideas on measures that expand on the currently crisis-centred support system.


Guest speaker
Ambassador Diana Reaich

New Zealand Ambassador to Belgium, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Moldova and Romania, and Deputy Head of Mission to the European Union

Guest speaker
Babatunde Williams

Co-Founder, Frontline, a Berlin-based research and advisory start-up dedicated to stopping domestic abuse as soon as possible.

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.