Wednesday 13 September 2023 |
Event type
In Person

Doing more for less: How can the UK government transform its use of data?

Global Counsel held an in-person panel discussion ‘Doing more for less: How can the UK government transform its use of technology?’.

We were joined by Baroness Chapman, Shadow Minister of State at the Cabinet Office and John Gieve, Former Permanent Secretary to the Home Office and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England.

The event launched a report which explores how the government can deliver a step change in efficiency through accelerating digitised decision making across Whitehall in the run-up to the next UK general election. It considers the barriers created through legacy technology and an inability to effectively share data between Whitehall departments, as well as ways in which innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, might be deployed.

The report is the work of a working group of leading business associations and technology companies with significant experience of providing technology services to national, devolved, and local government. Their observations, combined with the conclusions from a series of in-depth interviews with stakeholders across Whitehall departments, think tanks and NGOs, contributed to the report.

Read the report here


Guest speaker
Baroness Chapman

Shadow Minister of State at the Cabinet Office

Guest speaker
John Gieve

Former Permanent Secretary to the Home Office and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England

The views expressed in this event can be attributed to the named author(s) only.